
Success Definition Essay

Decent Essays

Success, by definition, means “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.” This, of course, has many different meanings apart from its dictionary definition. These meanings spread across many people and many different ways of life. Depending on your way of life this word can mean many different things. Some believe success to be the amount of wealth one has. Some people define the word as being happy with whom you are and the life you have come to live. Some would argue it means having a family to call your own and raising them. None of these outlooks on the word can necessarily be perceived as wrong, the different meanings just represent ones outlook on life. Success, to some people, can mostly be defined by the amount of wealth a person has. This mind set, being very popular in today’s culture, has a very big influence over many people. Most people’s goals and ambitions include having more than some people or more worldly possessions. Many people perceive this mindset to be very bad. Although this mindset tends to be perceived as bad by many people, some people believe it is the only true way to be successful. Many people who achieve this sort of success tend to be very distant and generally not as happy as one would believe they would be. Having wealth, although it can be very good, tends to …show more content…

This is one of the most common forms of success. Most people find being contempt with themselves and their surroundings leads to true happiness. This type of success can easily be achieved at any point in life. Most forms of success require a person to be aged and experienced, however this form does not. Many people find this type of success very early in life, some even achieving it in their teens. This kind of success can lead to true happiness and having a very good outlook on life in general. This type of success can be very rewarding, even more so than most

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