
Substance Abuse Among Adolescents And Youth

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Substance abuse among adolescents and youth has been a concerning issue for society for a long time. Abusing substances at an early age can alter brain functioning in areas essential for motivation, memory, learning, judgment, and behavior control. Therefore, it should not be of surprise that teens abusing alcohol and other drugs often have family and social problems, poor academic performance, health-related problems, mental health problems, and involvement with the juvenile justice system (Fowler, Volkow, Kassed, & Chang, 2007). However, a recent study done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the University of Michigan, Institute of Social Research (2014) has shed a promising light onto the trend of substance use in youth populations. Together, NIDA and the University of Michigan conducted the 2014 Monitoring the Future (MFT) survey, which included 41,551 students from 377 public and private schools across the United States of America. The MFT survey focused on identifying trends in drug use and attitudes towards drug use among American 8th, 10th, and 12th graders. Participants were asked to report their drug use behaviors across three time spans: lifetime, past year, and the past month. The results from the survey presented enlightening news about current and recent drug use among youth and adolescents in high schools across the country. The findings show a decreasing use of alcohol, cigarettes, and prescription pain relievers, inhalants, and synthetic

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