
Students With An Inclusive Setting

Good Essays

Based upon my observations at P.S. 161 and the teacher interview, the school provides students with an inclusive setting, but it needs some restructuring. At P.S. 161, there is a sense of community both outside and inside the building. Parents speak each other and they also speak to teachers. Based upon my observations they are good relationships. Teacher interactions enhances a student’s experience because when there are good relationships present then there is also trust and mutual respect which are vital when it comes to education. The school staff also plays a vital role in creating conditions that are important to the relationship between the home and the school. The home and school partnership is further supported by the level of communication that the school provides parents. Not to mention the efforts of each individual teacher makes to keep parents informed and in the loop. However, I have also noticed that school/home relationship at this school does not communicate with some parents at the level that they communicate with other parents almost as if excluding parents of who are not fluent in the English language. While the security guard and the administration model positive interactions with parents and caregivers, some school personnel including those that are present for drop off and that work in the front office can benefit from a staff meeting in which this is one of the topics. When parents feel welcomed and valued then their participation and involvement

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