
Student Grit Research Paper

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Should Students be Taught to Have More Grit? Grit is the perseverance and sustained interest in long-term goals, according to Duckworth ("Teaching; Findings from University of Pennsylvania Provides New Data on Teaching (True Grit: Trait-Level Perseverance and Passion for Long-Term Goals Predicts Effectiveness and Retention among Novice Teachers)."). A few characteristics of someone with grit are: persistence, hard work, dedication, and willingness to risk failure, according to Duckworth. Because of these findings, many schools have been trying to help their students develop grit in order to help them achieve greater academic success. Whether or not to teach college students about grit is a controversial issue and is highly debated. Central …show more content…

Read books about grit, 2. Talk about grit, 3. Share examples, 4. Help students develop a growth mindset, 5. Reframe problems, 6. Find a framework, 7. Live grittily, 8. Foster safe circumstances that encourage grit, 9. Help students develop intentional habits, 10. Acknowledge the sacrifice grit requires, and 11. Discuss when you need grit and when you need to quit (Davis, "True Grit: The Best Measure of Success and How to Teach It."). Simply give the students the grit scale test and let them score it. Then watch Angela Duckworth's TED video together and talk about the decisions we make that impact grit. Empower students to educate themselves -- they can't wait for educators to figure this out (Davis, "True Grit: The Best Measure of Success and How to Teach It.”). You rate yourself on a series of 8 to 12 items. Two examples: "I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge" and "Setbacks don't discourage me." It's entirely self-reported, so you could game the test, and yet what Duckworth has found is that a person's grit score is highly predictive of achievement under challenging circumstances. Some students grow into successful young adults, and others seem to struggle. Teaching your students grit can help some of these students become more successful. Teachers can also model grit, by teaching it and living it will help our students be successful as

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