
Student Expression And Language And Body Language

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Student Expression Often times, students cannot recognize the line between free speech and hateful speaking because it is blurred for them. They have long been taught that free speech is our born right, tride and true. However, some students take it too far with their words. When this is brought up, many students bring it up as their opinion, or use the free speech card. Many people are worried that students will lose their right to free speech if their expression is restricted. However, to make schools a better environment things need to change. Student expression should be restricted in language and body language, in clothing, and on the internet.
Students are unique in every shape and form. However, there are many ways that students can express themselves in both language and body language. Students today come up with many new words for different uses, and that varies almost every few months. These words however may not always be politically correct around others. If a student is caught using a word that disrespects or offends another student or an adult, the offending student should be penalized for this. If the student is allowed to continue saying those offensive words they will begin to think that it is alright to say them. Hate will become engrained in their minds and they will pass this on to others. Students often think it is funny to make racist remarks in passing in the halls, or during classes when teachers do not hear. Students who do this should most

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