
Student Debt Crisis Analysis

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Debt is something many individuals can relate to, especially, students. Taking student loans, it is not amusing or thrilling. Nevertheless, it cannot be compare to a whole nation in crisis.The US and many other nations experienced a credit crunch 2007-2008 that led to the economic crash 2008-2009, which led US to a catastrophic state from that point and on. While looking at this map and comparing several countries in the globe, there is a possibility that this crisis could have been better handled had the nation taken a more symbiotic approached. First, it seems as if the US could have borrowed less and Second the US could have implement other measures to help the economy re-growth.

I, myself, I am not expert in economy; nonetheless, will try to get my point across. Policy makers, economist, bankers, and so on, usually advise is: do not take a loan unless the person, agency, country know, or at least have a plan on how to repay. In fact, …show more content…

It is true the nation needed to borrow from China; nevertheless, did the country need to continue to borrow at such high speed? Maybe, but not one can say for sure. For the sake of the argument, let us imagine for a second that US could have borrowed money once, and the come up with ways to capitalized this many and work on paying our debts. Did the US do that? I don’t know. But if US did, the country did not try hard enough. Had the US taken a more symbiotic approach and utilized the money to, not only revitalize our economy, but to lead the country to become once again self-sufficient, the situation right now could be different.

In conclusion, would it be possible to achieve self-sufficiency at this point? Can the US become debt free? And if so, would a symbiotic approach, which is an implementation of both borrowing, and capitalizing this money to leverage a sustainable growth, be the best way to fulfill this? Well, one can only

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