
Student Data Analysis

Decent Essays

Data Analysis Techniques

Before describing the current study, the authors gave detailed background information including, references to studies and literature reviews on current policies addressing weapons in school, students’ likelihood of reporting, and the relationship between school climate and student outcomes. (2010, pg. 353-356) Additionally, the author highlighted, “no research to date has examined both school climate factors that influence reporting and different circumstances in which students are willing to report other students carrying weapons. ( 2010, page 352-353). Wylie noted, (2010) for this study the specific hypotheses below. The third hypothesis is the null hypothesis, because the researcher predicts no relationship …show more content…

The reports showed dependent variables with dichotomous coding asking students if they would report a student carrying a weapon. Following the dichotomous questions were more specific Likert coded questions giving circumstances of how likely they would be to report if their were consequences for themselves and for the weapon carrier. Furthermore, the results of the general willingness to report did not show any statistical variance in terms of the structural characteristics of the school(s). However, school climate statistically showed it affected the general willingness to report in certain circumstances such as, students’ having positive trusting relationships to adults, students’ collective identities and level of conflicts in the schools. The data noted that younger students were more willing to report as well as, “students having fewer delinquent peers were more willing to report weapons carrying than those who had delinquent peers, and students less involved in delinquency were more willing to report than those involved in more delinquency.” (2010, pg. 365). The data showed statistical differences exhibiting school environment did make a difference in students’ willingness to report weapons. The next set of data reported was a students’ willingness to report in the case that the student carrying a weapon would receive consequences. ( 2010, pg. 360). Two of the schools statistically showed, in Table 1 on page 361, students’ were more willing to report if they knew the students carrying weapons would receive

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