
Student Athletes Have A Very Busy Schedule

Good Essays

Noah Herried
Professor Rickie-Ann Legleitner
November 21, 2016
Time to Work
Division 1 student-athletes have a very busy schedule. To be a Division 1 student-athlete you must have great time management skills, determination, and be focused. For them to be successful in the classroom and in their sport, they have a very tough decision. They must pick two of the three: social life, academics, or athletics. They must also realize that they need to make the decision before they make a mistake for instance, becoming ineligible. Student-athletes have many options for help, just as a average college student does. Student-athletes need to have more readily available resources but also use their time wisely through counseling as freshman.
The Problem
Some people who have never participated in extracurricular activities may ask, “What is so different between a student-athlete’s day compared to an average college student’s.” According to Richard Sherman, a former Stanford University student-athlete and now professional football player, student-athletes have mandatory lifting in the morning, meetings, and practices throughout the day during the season (Richard Sherman Student Athlete Education” 00:01:14-00:01:26). An average college student doesn’t have this time commitment. They may be involved in many organizations but the organizations don’t meet every day, which is a big difference between the two schedules. A study done by Penn Schoen Berland showed that “on average

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