
Structural Functionalism And Gun Violence Essay

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Structural functionalism sees as a positive function of society as a structure to contribute to the whole (OpenStax, Introduction to Sociology 2e, p. 15). Through Structural functionalist macro-level perspective, guns can either maintain strength and order in the society. By having this kind of protection or guns possession, it can delay the security and order by causing threat and violence. Gun empowers individual which can be seen as an object of power. To keep citizens in their place, authorities licensed guns to keep things in order. Gun control licenses can be given to individuals who use a firearm as a sport or for hunting which brings people together for a common and love sport or their hobbies. One view that has become powerful talking points in the rise of gun crimes, especially during mass shootings, is a result of “cultural scripts.” (Wierzbicka & Goddard, 2004). These are the pattern of interaction which is unique to a particular culture in …show more content…

Conflict theorists see them as evidence of inequality in the system (OpenStax, Introduction to Sociology 2e, p. 140). This refers to the Marx’s macro-level approach which he believes that inequalities of political power and social structure cause conflict (OpenStax, Introduction to Sociology 2e, p. 16). Marx analyzes the societal conflict which he believes conflict as symptomatic of sociological dysfunction and sign of bias and error within the nature and structure of the system. Based on conflict theory, gun control would keep the people weak and unable to rebel against the government when times comes. The government officials and policymakers have the power and people must abide. Gun control also empowers the wrong individuals with weapons of mass destructions that can endanger society. Gun control gives an opportunity to individuals to mass acquire firearms and market them to anyone who can purchase firearms

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