
Strongest Learning Experience

Satisfactory Essays

My strongest learning experience was to be patient. I used to not be very patient towards people, when it comes to common sense or little things like saying your phone number or date of birth. I easily forget that in different parts of the world the date of birth is given differently. In some countries, the month is first just like here others the year is first but in most Latin countries the day is first. Having to asked numerous times during the day for the date of birth of individuals and for their phone numbers, and they are giving me these numbers in so many ways use to drive me insane. at the end of the day I would find myself almost screaming on the phone, saying no, no, that is not the way you suppose to say it. After reading the …show more content…

These asylum-seeking families have experience horrible things, they had seen family members killed right in front of them, have travel for long hours by train but not inside the train, on top of the train under the hot sun, and under the rain at times. When they finally cross the border, many females get raped and assaulted by the same people they are paying to cross them or if they turn themselves to ICE they can be detained in places like Karnes or Dilley. Detention centers where they are only given an emergency blanket for them to bear the cold air condition, as they see their children get sick and suffer from hunger. After getting out of the detention center they call a hotline for help, just to encounter, me. Somebody that asked them for their date of birth to update the data base and wants it in the same order from everyone, month, day, and year. I became very upset at myself, and decided to take this as a teaching opportunity. These people need somebody to teach them how to tell their phone number and date of birth the way is done in the United States (not that is the correct way, but will make things easier for them). And so, I stared with my new mission, and though all the people I talked to over the phone to say their phone number and date of birth and their address with zip code, something many of them have not heard

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