
Strengths Of The Design Argument For The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

The first strength of the design argument for the existence of God is that it argues that God is the best explanation for the apparent design in the universe. The only evidence needed is one to simply step outside, for it is clear to see aspects of the universe that are perfectly adapted to fulfil their function: such as the roots of trees. The argument is strong because all around us is evidence of purpose, order and suitability for human life. There is evidence of deliberate design all around us that are greater than the works of humanity can ever achieve, and this clearly points towards an intelligent, personal and infinitely greater designer. This designer is God. Furthermore, this goes against the “brute fact” analogy of accepting things as they are because beneficial order in the universe cannot be adequately explained because the universe itself is not self-explanatory. …show more content…

He observes the beneficial order that is all around us that is evidence of the goal-directed behaviour exhibited in animals. Such behaviour simply cannot arise by chance. Another strength of Aquinas’s formulation of the design argument is that he includes non-rational beings, that is beings that lack awareness, to further support his argument. He states that despite many objects not having the intelligence to move towards a purpose, they are directed by something that has intelligence for it is clear that they achieve their end “not fortuitously, but designedly” (Aquinas). He displays this through the archer analogy: a bow is directed by the archer to hit the target. He thus argues that the universe must be directed by an external intelligent being, and that is God. Through his fifth way, Aquinas clearly demonstrates design qua regularity and thus, the existence of

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