
Strength In The Sniper And Ariel Pierson

Decent Essays

When I had bury When I had to bury my best friend (and dog) last year during spring break, I had to put on a ‘I’m okay face’ because my family was sad and I was. So I had to be strong for them and myself. When I had to go through that, I was strong. When Ariel’s mother came back, she was confused and sad, but stayed strong through it. When the sniper was on the the rough top and was bleeding, getting shot at, and in physical pain he said strong and killed his enemy. The Sniper and Ariel Pierson are both strong (Mentally). When they went through things they stayed strong. Because they had to survive both mentally and physically.
The Sniper and Ariel Pierson are both strong (Mentally). When they went through things they stayed strong. Because they had to survive both mentally and physically. Ariel Pierson shows strength by not letting her family problems change her and the way she thinks. “Home is a clearing in the forest, a safe place to run when the trees shutter all light and the crunch of leaves in a deepening darkness drills fear into your heart.” (Hopkins pg. 4) She is running to her safe place. From the problems with her family and her personal problems she was dealing with. Her father kidnapped her from her mother 15 years ago. There is strength is forgiveness (Hopkins). Ariel will eventually forgive her dad, because she …show more content…

“ His right arm was paining him like a thousand devils. He took a steady aim.” (O’Flaherty pg. 4). He was in agony and still fought through it and killed his enemy. He stayed strong instead of giving up. “The Sniper lay still for a long time nursing his wounded arm and planning his escape.” (O’Flaherty pg. 3). He was trying to figure out his way off of the roof alive. He had to keep a clear mind to be able to survive. He had stay mentally strong to get out of his situation alive. He was strong and made it of the roof alive. This is how he was

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