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Better Essays

Learning that lasts through AGES
Dr. Lila Davachi, Dr. Tobias Kiefer, Dr. David Rock and Lisa Rock

NeuroLeadershipjournal issue THREE 2010

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Yet our ability to absorb new ideas is not dissimilar to our capacity to absorb food: there are physical limits to the digestion of both. To try to address this, more learning is being pushed to
‘pre-work’, in the hope that participants arrive at a training program already knowledgeable about core ideas. This works only partially due to the mixed level of focus people give to a pre-reading.

Increased organizational change is increasing pressure on learning. Organizations are also experimenting with just-in-time learning, delivered by managers rather than trainers.
The downside of this approach is that most managers are selected on their skill-set and are not always optimal teachers. However, organizations consciously investing


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Issue three 2010

In summary, learning managers are attempting to evolve their learning offerings to meet the changed environment and needs. Yet, by and large, they are doing so based on guesswork, without a good theory to inform their experimentation.

Learning means retrieving easily

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