
Strain Theory

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Positivist theories maintain that prostitution can be viewed as determined behavior that is a product of a particular causation. This means that a causal explanatory theory can be applied to help explain why people engage in prostitution. One such theory that explains prostitution is Robert Merton’s “Strain theory.” The strain theory is a school of thought that states that society puts pressure on people to accomplish certain socially accepted goals. Many people struggle to cope with the pressure to achieve these goals because they lack the necessary means and this causes strain on these individuals which in turn pushes them to get involved in socially unapproved practices in order to achieve the socially approved goals. Because of the pressure, people …show more content…

The negative experiences may irritate or upset people, and illegal actions may be the result. Studies support this by showing that several adverse events and situations increase the likelihood of prostitution. In particular, prostitution has been linked to cases of child neglect and abuse, strained relationships with parents and other loved ones, criminal victimization, and several other distressing events including divorces and unemployment. Strain mostly affects people who are not well-equipped with resources and skills to cope with the pressure they face. This explains why some people turn to prostitution to reduce their financial troubles and to escape the strain. For abused women who have run away from hostile conditions back home, by being labeled delinquents, life in the streets may prove tough forcing them to turn to prostitution to make ends meet. These problems may be worse where women are forced to single-handedly cater for their children in families where men have abandoned their

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