
Story Time Observation

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When entering a profession, it is always important for the person to garner knowledge of the tasks that will be expected of them when they are in the field. For most people this means studying textbooks to gain an in-depth perspective of what practicing professionals believe is necessary information to help one succeed in their intended field. While this is a useful practice that should not be ignored, reading textbooks or training manuals does not give a person first hand experience with what to expect when they are out in the community to perform the job. An invaluable experience is when a person actually gets to witness the intrinsic parts of the occupation that a textbook might not cover. Recently, I had the opportunity to go out and observe an actual story-time for children at a local library. While observing the group, I had the opportunity to …show more content…

The session that I chose to attend took place on March 21st, 2018 at 10:15 am. The event was facilitated by the lead children’s librarian, Jackie Cassidy, and was called “Wiggles Story Time.” The attendance for the story time was on the smaller side. There were a total of seven people present: four of the attendees were children and they were split evenly between boys and girls; the rest of the attendees were the children’s caregivers, all of whom were women. According to Cassidy, the number of attendees for the group has the tendency to fluctuate greatly for the event in question. The library keeps a spreadsheet that shows the number of patrons for the recurring events and the children’s group had a range of zero to twenty-two within a month. Although they do not keep track of contributing factors, Cassidy says that attendance seems to be largely dependent on the weather; the days with zero participants happened on days when there had been snow, while the day of twenty-two occurred on a rare eighty-degree

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