
Story Of An Hour Literary Devices

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Kate Chopin, William Hunt, and Margaret Atwood use several different literary devices in order to convey the theme that the devotion one might give to another through loyalty, sacrifices one’s own free will and the opportunities that await him or her. [ Why ]
For example, Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” demonstrates the theme by using positive and negative imagery. Throughout the short story, Chopin uses these to describe the effect that the death of Mr.Mallard has on Mrs.Mallard. In the 4th paragraph, the author says “physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.”. With the denotation of haunted and fatigue, it provides negative imagery to the reader. The purpose of this is not only to show how frail Mrs.Mallard is, but also to show how heavily dependent Mrs.Mallard is on her husband for happiness instead of …show more content…

In the painting, the lady is looking out the window at the trees. Windows are commonly known for being a sign of untapped potential and trees are known for being a sign of wisdom. It is inferred that the lady could have possible wisdom awaiting her, however it is unobtainable in her current position. It is noted that the position that she is currently in is blocking her from obtaining this knowledge. A right hand dressed in black is guarding her from reaching this knowledge. A right hand symbolises correctness and the color black symbolises evilness. By this notion, he is asserting dominance by giving the idea that he is in the right for stopping the lady, however because he is dressed in black, it can be inferred that he is not actually correct and has some sort of hidden motive. The woman has the choice to cross this obstacle but because of the trust she has put in the man that he truly does have good intentions for blocking her, she is fooled by his deceit. While under this loyalty, she is missing her chance of obtaining

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