
Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Kate Chopin in the short story ‘The Story of an Hour,” depicts the main characters digression from the constant sorrow that is expected from a wife learning of her husband’s death. The main character’s response and emotions in this story show the strain between the three competing components of the human mind, the id, ego, and the superego. The id, ego, and the superego control an individual behavior. According to Freud, the id, and the superego competes, both of them seeking to dominate the other. The ego works in attempting to balance the two variables (Sigmund, Freud, and Strachey). The id, ego, and the superego manifests from the moment Louise learns of her husband’s death, to the time she realizes that the man survived the tragedy. Her later death is an indication of her ego’s inability to curb the strain between her id and the superego. In the Story of an Hour, the ego fails to establish a balance between the id and the superego and results in emotional imbalance because her id foresees liberty in the unconscious self but ultimately culminates in her death.
The immediate response from Louise, when she learns of her husband’s death, is that of sadness, that is, the superego taking control. The superego in the unconscious mind directs a person …show more content…

According to Freud, the ego is the balance between the id and the superego. The ego takes control of Louise when she sits on the chair and starts thinking. The author states; “there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder, it was not a glance of reflection but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought” (Chopin 60). Louise is trying to prevent the optimism resulting from the news of her husband’s death. She does not want to be tempted of being happy about her husband’s death. Her ego tries to bring balance between the id and the superego that makes her sad

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