
Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis Essay

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In Kate Chopins “The Story of an Hour” she uses several elements such as plot, point of view and theme to show how a woman was not free until her husband “died”.
“The Story of an Hour” starts in medias res with Mrs. Mallard, a married woman with heart trouble, finding out that her husband had died. The conflict takes place when Mrs. Mallard's friends have to break the news to her that her husband died in a train crash. The conflict is most important because it is the triggering event that causing everything to happen the way it did. Mrs. Mallard begins sobbing when Josephine tells her of her husband’s death and goes upstairs to be alone in her room, this is the suspense of the story. Mrs. Mallard is sitting in her room looking out the window then realizes that she is free from her marriage to Brantley. She whispered “Free! Body and soul free! Her strange reaction to her husband’s death seems as if it is a sigh of relief. This makes Mr. Mallard the protagonist in the story because after she finds out her husband had died she feels a sort of liberation. By Mrs. Mallard saying she is free makes the reader feel as if being with her husband she was never really happy. This then leads to …show more content…

After Mrs. Mallard heard of her husband's death there was emotion and pain but then she starts to feel a strange sense of freedom and relief "There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully." She starts looking out the window and she feels something creeping towards her through sounds, scent and color that filled the air. Then under her breath she say “free, free, free!” and was relaxed. Realizing that her husband is dead gave Mrs. Mallard started to find herself it seems as if she was not fairly happy with her marriage. This story happens all in one hour this is to show that time is valuable and that anything could happen even just in an hour. Mrs. Mallard did not value her time in order to find

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