
Stone Henge

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It seems that the human race is infatuated with stones. Stones are used for jewelry, architecture,1 statues, tombstones, and even printing. Printing on stone is called lithography. Even the word stone has many uses in the english language: a criminal can be stoned to death, and the British unit of weight is known as a “stone.” Going back to prehistoric times, specifically the Neolithic period, may provide some answers of why we as a species are so drawn to stone and its many uses. Relics from the Neolithic period are large man-made stone formations, known as megaliths, that were built from 10,000 – 2,000 BCE. Some evolutionary step happened in this time period where humans started to manipulate colossal stones into markers, alignments, fanes, …show more content…

A lot of these stone circles no longer stand, like the ones at Carnac. Stone Henge, the most famous of the megaliths, is located in Wiltshire, England, and was built around 3000 – 2000 BC. The biggest stones at Stone Henge are the sarsen stones, averaging height about 30 feet and weight 25 tons. The sarsen stones make up the posts and lintels at the site, meaning that upright stones hold the flat stones on top of them. Smaller stones, known as bluestones, make up the inner circle of Stone Henge, usually weighing around 4 tons. Stone Henge's architecture lines up with astronomical events, like the Summer Solstice. On the Summer Solstice, the sun rises behind a marker stone, known as the Heel Stone. The sun's rays shine through the posts that align perfectly with the Heel Stone, creating a powerfully aligned image. A ditch surrounding the megalithic site contains human remains, some of which have been identified as humans from other places, not just people native to the area. There are remains of a metal worker that4 lived in Germany around 3000 BCE and a little boy from the Mediterranean that was buried around 5000 BCE. This suggests that people may have pilgrimaged here as a place for burial. It seems that the neolithic people that built Stone Henge had a vast knowledge of astronomy, architecture, and engineering. It is largely believed that this colossal site was primarily used for religious ceremonies that took taking place with astronomical

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