
Steven Pinker The Moral Instinct Summary

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In the article on ‘’The Moral Instinct’’, Steven Pinker begins by posing a question, who do you find the most admirable: Bill gates, Mother Teresa or Norman Borlaug? These are all great people but who we choose is based upon our perception of what we prefer from their accomplishments. Pinker begins by saying, we as human strive towards moral goodness, and this gives us a sense of being worthy. He then argues that moralization is used as a psychological state that we use to deem our actions as moral or immoral. Moreover, some actions are prohibited universally, such as killing or rapping, and people who commit these acts are deserved to be punished which is agreed upon the majority. Pinker depicts that moralization is used to reduce harm but it is done rationally mostly without real reasoning. …show more content…

This is how they rationalize morality and ultimately they do not have any real reason behind the moralization of an act. The author then goes on with suggesting that people are born with a universal moral background and that we develop it from childhood. This is why some children show morality blindness which they carry on to adulthood. They are five different varieties of moral experiences suggested by Pinker which are: fairness, harm, community, authority and purity. These five moral spheres are universal but some of them are more important in some cultures and locations than others. For example, the west puts a greater emphasis on the importance of fairness than community which is not the case in most parts of the world. Pinker concludes that we need to understand ourselves better as humans and look into solving the world issues without giving irrelevant moral reasons as an excuse of not tackling the problem. (309

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