
Steven Nadler How To Fix American Stupidity Analysis

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People’s opinions play a huge role in their lives. As people grow and begin to see the world around them they begin to develop thoughts and opinions. The people of America are great examples of pure ignorance as some develop an opinion and refuse to abandon it, no matter how wrong it is proven to be. After reading Steven Nadler’s article titled “How to Fix American Stupidity” I completely agree with his stance on American stupidity and the best way to fix it. People have the full right to think and create opinions of their own. People also have the right to voice their opinion as much as they please. People tend to debate, which is a rather good thing. One popular debate between many people in America is evolution. As Nadler states in his article “with one recent poll revealing that 34% of the population rejects evolution”. The evolution example clearly shows that even with clear cut facts showing that evolution is completely true, lots of people will argue against it. Nadler feels that stupidity is “a kind of intellectual stubbornness. He feels as though everyone can see the facts, but not all people …show more content…

We always seem to be involved in global affairs, yet we never seem to really focus on what’s important. America as a nation is just so blind and naive. We focus on such foolish and unimportant things. Nadler states in his article that “We have all fallen headlong for some product because it looks cool or because some celebrity we like but who has zero expertise tells us he has one, despite there being no reason whatsoever for buying the item and maybe even good reasons not to buy it.”. We never seem to realize that the world has many problems that need to be handled as soon as possible. America is also way too focused on emotions over factual information. We are more interested in making ourselves feel better and doing what we alone think is best, that we forget the real answer to the problem at

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