
Steve Jobs Speech At Standford University

Decent Essays

No one in this world wants to die because they want to do something with their life. Yet when people are on their deathbed there number one regret is that they wanted to live a life true to themselves, not the life that others expected of them. In the year 2005 Steve Jobs went to Standford University to deliver his most famous speech. In that speech, he spoke about his weaknesses and his mistakes he urged people to always move forward even if you encounter an obstacle. Jobs stated that the only way a person can obtain their goal is if they never give up no matter what happens sooner or later you will achieve your goal. When Steve Jobs was speaking to the students at Stanford University he started off by saying “The first story is about connecting the dots.” That single sentence described his whole life. The reason why that quote matters so much to him is because when he was in college he did not know what to do with …show more content…

That is why Steve Jobs said to always move forward no matter what happens because everything happens for a reason. Life is not fair it is not fair towards everyone life does not matter if you have a ten-million-dollar house or a five- hundred- thousand dollar house. Life will always throw a curveball at you no matter who you are. The speech that Steve Jobs gave can be understood in multiple points of view depending on the person that heard and that have read the speech. But the main point that he wants us to understand as human beings is that we should never give up on our dreams especially if someone tries to put you down, and it also does not matter if you are a rich person or poor everyone eventually gets to their goal at the

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