Dominic Muscari
AC English 12
Steroids in Sports Do you know what proper steroid use can do for you in sports? Steroids are a synthetic form of the male hormone testosterone and can help your body be the best that it can be and improve your game. Steroids have been used as early as 776 BC in the original Olympic Games by the ancient Greeks to enhance their performance. There are many different forms of this drug some you take by mouth and some you have to inject and when used responsibly there can be endless benefits, but when used irresponsibly the drug can cause serious damage to the body and in severe cases it can cause death. There are already many forms of legal steroids called test booster, this supplement boosts the testosterone levels in the body for muscle growth. Test boosters are much milder than actual steroids but they are still considered steroids. Steroids are great at speeding up the recovery of your muscles, it does this with the male hormone testosterone. Some of the steroids you can take by mouth are Anadrol, Anavar, Dianabol, Halotestin, and Primobolin. Some of the popular injectable steroids are Stanozolol, Enanthate, Propionate, and Cypionate. I think that steroids should be allowed in today 's sports only for the fact that it speeds up muscle recovery and muscle growth. An athlete 's career is short enough as it is, with the proper use of steroids it can help them recover from an injury faster that could possibly end their
Steroids are strong medicine, which can have effects on you. Steroids are illegal unless a doctor prescribes some to you. Steroids are illegal because it can get you stronger, but also men who take it can develop breast, painful erections, decreased sperm count, etc. Doctors will only prescribe steroids only to treat specific medical conditions. Doctors cannot prescribe steroids to a person to increase their athletic ability.
The use of steroids in sports has been a very common argument for so long because there has been arguments that it enhances performance. Why you should not use steroids! Steroids make you have mood swings and can damage your physical appearance. The more steroids you take has a bigger effect on your body. steroids should not be allowed because they cause health risk, behavior issues/mood swings,and they affect the brain.
Steroids and PED’s are used today in sports to help athletes gain muscle mass and strength. Other athletes use them to boost their athletic performance. Today, about 30 percent of college and professional athletes still use anabolic steroids, 10 to 20 percent of high school athletes use them (Lewis). There are many reasons why steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs shouldn’t be allowed in sports.
Many athelete take steroids in order to do better in the field. In the article What you really need to know about anabolic steriods states that, "Anabolic steroids allows athelete to train harder." Many people get tired after training for few hours but taking sterioids can help anyone to train for a long time without getting overtrained. If a person use anabolic steroids u will get stronger and will be able to compete harder. Some athelete even said if steriods was around during them, they could have done much better and maybe extend their career. Anabolic steroids can reduce fat, increase strength and it can also save lives.
The world of competitive sports may never accept anabolic steroids. In not doing so they are limiting athletes to only perform to the best of their unaided ability. Is it really fair to tell an athlete what they can and can’t use as an enhancer to perform better? The fans and sports enthusiast, may never be able to witness the full physical potential of competitors. Anabolic steroids should be legal in professional sports and embraced to allow the human body to be pushed to the next level.
In conclusion, Performance Enhancing Drugs such as steroids should not be legalized in the sporting world. This is because of the long term health of the person, an unfair advantage that happens when using Performance Enhancing Drugs, and the argument for legalizing PEDs is simply asinine. Remember, that in the sports world many believe that the rules can be flexible if the right loophole is found, and some may find a way to work the system. So those that try to use the drugs, just remember it isn’t the rules you are bending and breaking, it is your body that is being broken in the
After reading this I’m sure you can understand People abusing steroids need to change their efforts from getting the steroids, to developing their abilities naturally like everyone else. Steroids are not only bad for your health, they are illegal. The only ways to obtain anabolic steroids is by illegally attaining a medicinal prescription of them or smuggling them in from a foreign country. My question is why would you want to put something in your body that you don’t even know where it comes from. If athletes and people trying to look better would put
Steroids (anabolic) are a drug that was discovered and made by medical scientists in the last 1930’s to help with medical problems. The drug was made to help with many medical problems such as testosterone, growth, sexual functioning, and other medical problems such as helping people with HIV to help grow musical. It also helps with many other diseases. Like any other drug on the market people learn that the drug can be used for many other ways. Steroids can enhance athlete’s performance as well as bodybuilders and is used in almost every sport out there. The use of steroids has become a widespread problem. Steroid use has caused many help problems with the misuse of the drug and has caused the drug to be illegal for people to use them in
In the world of sports it is not rare to see athletes give their heart and soul for the love of the game. From sunrise to sundown they practice everyday to perfect their game.Then there are those who take an alternative route. Now athletes are taking performance enhancers such as creatine, androstenedione and worst of all, anabolic steroids.Steroids are chemicals that act like hormones (substances in your body that regulate bodily functions). Anabolic steroids are the ones that are abused to build muscle mass or to make your workout longer. They are chemicals of artificial testosterone, which is a male hormone.
From some research I have seen, people have used steroids to help them keep energetic to exercise and do varies sports. The use of steroids by people has become so usual to improve performance in their sport or day to day exercises. Also the use of anabolic steroids by athletes has become common in order to improve their performance in the sports they play. But, little did you know that there are three main reasons as to why not to use them. First off, it is a fraud to use any method that makes people become better in sports, because that will also let fraud in any other aspect of our lives. Second, while trying to achieve a higher benefit using these chemicals, it is cheating people who rely on our ability to achieve objectives that should be clean and made by our own
Should athletes be able to take performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids? NO, research has shown that steroids can help you go beyond what you think you could be; but it is also a killer, and a destroyer and a life wrecker! Deborah Sorensen, former US professional bodybuilder announced: “ I've watched happy, energetic and positive guys go from Dr. Jekyll to Mr.Hyde, and I've seen petite women turn into hulking no-neck bearded monsters with acne all over their backs and shoulders.” Which some professional athletes can argue that when the are competing at the highest level the only thing that matters is winning; which young athletes are adopting this practice with hope to make it to the big leagues. Which in reality taking steroids might help you become a good athlete but you will be cheating yourself because in the long run
The use of steroids in sports should be outlawed because they are illegal, harmful to one’s body, extremely costly, could damage an athletes’ career as well as become quite addictive.
In the past three decades, steroids has been becoming a serious problem more than ever in the athletic field. Steroids are anabolic drug "to build" growth hormones that include the androgens (male sex hormones) principally testosterone and estrogen and progestogens (female sex hormones). Steroids were first developed for medical purposes. They're used in controlling inflammation, strengthening weakened hearts, preventing conception, and alleviating symptoms of arthritis and asthma. Unfortunately research has shown that steroids have been abused in almost every kind of sport. Although steroids contribute to a muscular body, usage should remain illegal because they physically deteriorate and mentally destroy the body.
Many athletes who are anxious to win will be driven by their competitive drive to take steroids in order to enhance their performance on the field. According to, “Some athletes take a form of steroids--known as anabolic-androgen steroids or just anabolic steroids to-- increase their muscle mass and strength.” Not only are steroids used to build muscle mass, but they are also used for medical conditions like arthritis, asthma, and skin conditions like eczema. These steroids can be life saving and protect the organs of people who have inflammatory
I have evaluated and thought about the debate of steroids use over a period. I continue to find myself in the middle of the road with this issue. I believe there are health issues with taking performance enhancing substances, the same as is taking any other type of drug, legal or illegal substances. There are proven side effects with taking any medication from blood pressure medicine to Chantix (the help quit smoking drug). We have heard for years how horrible it is to take steroids, additionally how it can lead to cancer and other ruthless health issues. We also know but are not willing to admit that many of the day today medications doctors are so freely issuing has the same or very similar possibilities. There are many of us not prepared to take any medication for an extended period, simply because of the long-term health risks. Knowing the health hazard facts do not deter many from taking prescribed medications, and it does not stop many from taking steroids or other illegal substance either. The answer is very simple, we love the rewards, and are wanting them at whatever cost.