
Stereotypes Of Women In Ancient Greek Society

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Throughout the course of history, society had stereotyped women, making it merely impossible for a woman to achieve her goals and desires in life. This had weighed them not as equals, and for this, they were given different standards by which to live. At this day and age, and during the ancient Greek times, women have always been treated as second best by biased men, although today’s society has started to understand this inequality better as time progresses further into the future. Even with society becoming more equal for women, females are still treated similar as to time of the ancient Greeks. Women still don’t have as much power as men, are still “blamed” for wrongdoings and thought as untrustworthy, and are still used as “currency” …show more content…

For instance, they had been the “cause” of why there were sins, chaos, pain and other devastations in the world. Pandora, the first woman, opened a box and all of the terrible plagues flew out, and the gods had said that women were to be a burden to men. In the same light, Eve was shown in a similar same way, tempting Adam to eat the apple, as she had given no thought of the consequences, with the message saying that women weren’t the brightest and could lead the men away from doing the right thing. Another way women are blamed, is when a man might have an affair while still in a relationship with a girlfriend or wife, the consequences happen to the girl not the boy. When a girl has heard that her boyfriend or husband had cheated on her, she would become furious at the boy, but chooses to take the anger out on the other girl. Just like Hera, she would be mad at her husband, but instead took out her anger on the girls he’s had affairs with, even if the girls didn’t want to have sex, and made their lives miserable. This showed that even when a man was the main cause of an issue, women don’t tend to have power over the male, so they took out their anger on someone of the same level as them or lower, in order to have power over them. Even if a man believed that their spouse was a faithful woman, there was still …show more content…

Such as when someone wanted to sleep with the opposite gender, they would get something in return. When Apollo saw Cassandra he immediately wanted to sleep with her, but she would only agree if he would give her something, the gift of prophecy, but no one would believe her predictions. In the same manner, Odysseus seduces Circe, to free his men from being pigs, then refused to eat until they were changed back, “Circe, how could anyone bring himself-any decent man-to taste food and drink, before seeing his comrades free? If you really want me to eat and drink, set my men free and let me see them” (pg.292). These men were able to sleep with these lovely women just by giving them something in return, whether it was sex, a special ability, or to free someone. This is seen in the modern world with girls, and is known as prostitution. Many young women every day give their bodies up to men they don’t know, in exchange for money or other desires. So the way women have used their bodies hasn’t completely changed and won’t ever completely disappear from the world. Even in Hollywood, some of the films that were made, are entirely about having these types of affairs, such as, Friends with Benefits and No Strings Attached. On the more downside, women have still become victims of rape by men. That was seen with just about every Greek god, as they forced a defenseless maiden into bed

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