
Stereotypes Of Muslims

Decent Essays

Saturday night the Mosque was having an event to raise money for a certain cause. Friday night all the teenagers got together to help prepare for the big night! We were almost done when someone realized that a few things were missing, so a couple of us decided to go to Target and buy the necessary items that were needed.
“Are you going to blow up with store with the bombs you’re hiding in your scarf?” Am I hearing this correctly? I thought to myself. My friend and I looked at each other extremely confused. We decided to ignore the man. We went on with our business; I noticed he was following us throughout the store. He watched our every move. He approached us again, and said we need to remove our hijabs or leave. I was appalled I never felt so afraid and disrespected. Instead of causing a scene I put my stuff down and left the store.
Before this incident occurred I was not afraid to wear my hijab out in public, but now it feels like I have a target on my head. This situation made me …show more content…

There is so many stereotypes Muslims face. The most common stereotype about Muslims is that we are all terrorist and that we are a part of ISIS. The religion of Islam teaches peace making. Nowhere in the Quran does it state that it is okay to kill people. This is sad because we’re the largest victims of terrorism. The news mainly focuses on terrorist attacks when Muslim Extremists are involved. A research at Georgia State University was done on terrorist attacks they discovered that 11 out of 89 attacks involved Muslims. Those attacks received 44 percent of intense media coverage. Another stereotype Muslims face is many people believe that we hate anyone who is a follower of another religion, especially followers of Christianity. In my opinion that does not make sense because our beliefs are very similar to the beliefs of Christians. We believe in Jesus to be a prophet not the Son of God. He is mentioned several times throughout the

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