
Stereotypes Of Discrimination

Decent Essays

Discrimination based on gender, race and ethnicity need to be eradicated from the face of the earth. In order to change our mindsets, we the people must put in the necessary effort it will take to remove these prejudices. Stereotypes are assumptions about people based on their traits, such as age, sex, race, etc. Stereotypes exist everywhere, all around the world. Stereotypical beliefs always seem to change over time and this is where we the people have the opportunity to counter discrimination due to stereotypes.
In order to change our mindsets around gender norms we must educate. Growing up the culture we live in shapes the foundation for which we live the rest of our lives with. This is why I agree with the quote by Ethan Watters, “Our …show more content…

One way to change this is to promote what girls typically do and reverse it with a young boy, we could start changing mindsets. Studies have shown that boys who had long hair were teased because it was a “girl thing”. There is no right or wrong way a boy could wear his hair. As a young child, they need to be shown that it is okay to wear whatever hair style you want, whether it is long or short, boy or girl. Another major thing children categorize as a girl or boy thing are toys. As you see on commercials and ads, there are usually girls playing with dolls and boys playing with little toy cars. In my opinion, this is only hurting young children’s mindset of gender roles. Whether you are a boy or girl, you should not have to be made fun of with what type of toy you want to play with. If we promote both girls and boys with short and long hairstyles and all types of toys, we could possibly stop bullying dealing with gender …show more content…

We need to encourage woman to apply for jobs that are considered male jobs. For example, males believe they are the ones that should work in the armed forces. Woman are too afraid to apply for these types of jobs because they believe they are not feminine jobs. It should be understood that this isn’t necessarily true. Another job that have many males over females working are engineers. When we see commercials and advertisements we always see men being the engineers. There could possibly be a whole new great thing out there if woman were the ones to be in the engineering industry. With a mixture of men and woman in this career, it could seriously change the way we see each other’s roles. Males can understand that us woman could learn exactly the same and could do engineering work. When some of us think of a nurse, you think of a woman. Encouraging men to this type of career could be a great thing. We don’t see too many males working in this industry. We need to encourage both men and woman to work to be nurses, engineers, etc. equally. Male and woman should enter jobs known as female-dominated and

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