
Stereotypes Of An American Teenager Essay

Decent Essays

Single Story Stereotype of the American Teenager

This is a story about the many stereotypes of the everyday American teenager. The teen is sometimes seen as a snob, brat or very annoying.

Typically they are obsessed with their phone. They are on social media 24/7. If their phone dies they may do one of two things -- ask someone for a charging block or find a power slot. If this teen goes somewhere where there is no wifi they will get upset or very desperate for the passcode if the wifi is passcode locked. So typically a teen will be technology obsessed. Another version of teen the ‘criminal’ teen. This teen is a liar because they seek to harm people or steal. And they have little regard towards any rules because they go by their rules. …show more content…

This teen likes to drink or use drugs and doesn't care about anything because they are using these things. But if this teen isn't helped they will do anything for cash like stealing, scamming people, and mugging anybody who is unlucky to stumble across them. And they will burn through the cash that they have to fuel their craving.
Then there is the best teen ever the ‘kind teen’. This teen will help you or anybody In need. He or she will help someone who has nothing. They are generally the best person. If this teen has cash and they see anybody on the street they will give as much cash they will get. And this teen will volunteer in anything from Mission trips, to soup kitchens, and helping build homeless shelters. This teen isn't afraid to help another's in need.

There is teen also the gamer teen. This teen takes many forms, from the social media person (i.e. Twitch, YouTube streaming), or the “I can't live another minute without my console or gaming device teen.” And there is the gaming rage teen who will continually scream at a person who gets a kill on them. They are typically used as comedic fodder on the Internet. So typically they will be obsessed with their device and will be mad at you if you try to pry them away from their

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