
Stereotypes In Michael Dorris's Crazy Horse Malt Liquor

Decent Essays

Currently, there is a problem with American’s. That problem is allowing themselves to be influenced by stereotypes. Stereotypes allow people to organize the world, but sometimes the stereotypes are negative. How do stereotypes affect the decisions of Americans about other people in their everyday lives? In Michael Dorris’s essay “Crazy Horse Malt Liquor”, he is trying to raise awareness of Native Americans stereotypes. The article begins by stating that Americans honor Indians in odd ways, and continues by saying Native Americans have become popular in culture. Dorris then continues by explaining how the Hornell Brewing Company use the imagery of Crazy Horse, a native leader, to sell their brand of liquor. Next Dorris speaks about the modern day social illness that the Native American population suffers. Dorris talks about how the U.S. government took the land of the Native then speaks about how people play warrior and still continue these stereotypes. A documentary by Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush, known as A Place at the Table, talks about food insecurity in America. The documentary starts off by showing different people in America not knowing when their next meal is. This theme continues by showing the story of Barbie Izquierdo, a single mother who has trouble feeding her children and barely survives on food stamps. The documentary shows Barbie taking part of a program called witness to hunger raising awareness for food insecurity in America. Barbie manages to get a job working to help people qualify for food stamps. Sadly Barbie no longer qualifies for food stamps and can barely afford to feed her children on her current paycheck. Gordon Parks talks about a young boy that lives in the favelas of Brazil: in an article called Flavio’s Home. The article begins with Parks explaining his hatred for poverty and explains why he was in Brazil. Parks then meets Flavio, a poor boy who barely survives every day. Flavio then introduces Parks to his family. (insert family scene). Eventually Parks left the house and headed towards his hotel and felt guilt. Parks felt guilt when he compared his hotel room to the Da Silva shack and his dinner to theirs. The next day Parks goes back to catacumba to talk to

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