
Stereotypes In Ganglion Cell Research

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The visual system of the cells within the brain contain an area known as the receptive field and it is the point in which light enters hits the cell of a receptor (Kalat, 2013). This part of the visual system relies on sensory information, such as light, to either excite or inhibit the cells within the center portion of the receptive field. One of the most significant processes of transmitting information from the visual field is through primary cells of the visual receptors, which include the retinal ganglion cells. In the retina, ganglion cells send information from the eye over to the brain. Both the rods and cones within the visual system have a rather small receptive field that connects to bipolar or amacrine cells, of which have their own receptive field consisting of ganglion cells, and then the ganglion cells ultimately make up a larger receptive field (Kalat, 2013). …show more content…

According to O’Brien, Isayama, Richardson, & Berson (2002), the ganglion cells also consist of over a dozen different subtypes of cells and the functionality of these subtypes rely greatly on the individual responses that are stimulated by light entering into the retinal synaptic network. Early studies on ganglion cells in a cat’s retina showed that there were three physiological responses reported in the cat’s ganglion cells and that these cells had both a central and peripheral district within the retina. It was noted that both of these areas produce opposite effects upon activity of the ganglion cells (Enroth-Cugell, Goldstick, & Linsenmeier.

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