
Stereotypes And Judgements Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Judgements are something all people make. That being, said that doesn’t necessarily

mean that judging people constantly is the right thing to do. In English class we learned about

Stereotypes and Judgements and looked at ourselves and thought maybe what people thought

about us from their view. For me most of my judgements were about what I wear and the way I

act which I guess makes sense. One of the judgements was that I look like I skater which is

technically a correct judgement because I do skateboard but a lot of people associate that

negatively because a lot of skateboarders are bad. Another one I got was that I am awkward

and weird. This one was weird to me because I don’t think I am awkward but I guess I have

some awkward tendencies …show more content…


do play video games but people who are “gamers” are usually considered to have no life and

just sit inside and play video games. Another one which I thought of is that people might think

that I am mean or insensitive. I think people who don’t know me would think this because I have

a rude and cruel sense of humor and I am pretty insensitive about some things but I also want

to make sure I don’t offend a ton of people if I can avoid it.

Some of the things people may not see by just looking at me is that I play soccer I think

they wouldn’t think this at first because I don’t think I look very athletic. I also think that I am a

nice person because I try to stay on everyone’s good side and I am fairly easy to get along with.

I also think I am funny which wouldn’t seem obvious at first because I am not very outgoing but

once you get to know me I am funny (Or so i have been told I don’t think I’m really that funny).

Although some of the stereotypes are sort of accurate I don’t think any one of them is

completely true. An example of this is the “Skater” stereotype, yes I do skateboard every

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