
Stereotypes Against Women

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Right from the start, as early as the beginnings of human life on Earth, women have been symbolized as people of the lower class, not holding much importance, compared to men. To present day, that concept is still alive and in existence. The situation concerning this area should be more valued and shown importance towards. Does it ever not come to mind that many women are showing more abilities and grand skills than most men and yet and still, how is it possible that men are earning the higher wage? As a female myself, it’s mind-blowing that only 1 percent of the world’s wealth is held by women, and the rest of 99 percent is dominated by males. From all sorts of fields such as arts and entertainment, business, law, sports, etc., women are paid less than what the men are given. The huge imbalance between the numbers convey a great deal of biasness and discrimination. Many say, “When women lead, their …show more content…

The argument differs from many perspectives, from “women not being as intelligent to withhold the position of a leader” to “Women just aren’t bold enough, and it’s about the performance.” Why is it that men are so afraid to see any other gender on the top charts? They say that women lack in their ability to dominate the corporate boardroom and persuasion, when in reality they’re not even given the chance to show their abilities and skills. Feminism is the advocacy of gender rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality. However, many males take this the wrong way as they believe feminism is against them. When it comes to women, males hold higher standards. Research proves that men just aren’t ready to hire a lady as a top leader, as 53% of all males in the business corporations have agreed to this. However, according to studies, women enhance the working field and bring enrichment to the

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