
Stephen Crane's The Open Boat

Decent Essays

The story that I am going to make my argument about is on “ The Open Boat” by Stephen Crane. This story is an event that happened to Stephen Crane during his lifetime and was told in third person. My argument is to realize how people and the world are related as well as relationships with other people. Crane used this book as a way to understand how nature keeps its routine while people's lives keep going whether bad or good, how friendships and bonds with others can make a change and to show the determination they had to survive. To begin with, There are these four men who are in a lifeboat after their boat sank while the sea was being quite rough. Those four men were the captain, the cook, oiler, and also the correspondent. These four men …show more content…

They kept rowing and rowing to survive. No matter how tired they were, they would just never stop but strive for the best. That showed how badly they all wanted to survive. As everything still remains the same and nature is being its best to those four men is when they start to realize that nobody is going to save them. This is when they all depend on each other and chose to just swim to the shore. They want to take the risk to swim all the way to the shore on their own, this just shows determination. Why not just give a try if there no other solution towards this problem. Just rowing and rowing just gets too tiring especially if you're not getting anywhere you want to be. The oiler who has been rowing so much but shows his determination in the story so much because he hasn’t ate or slept in two days. So as the four men swim towards the shore to try to make it alive, you see the oiler after rowing so much ahead of everyone then comes a huge wave is when the story all changes. The captain, the cook, and the correspondent make it alive onto the shore, they see the oiler or also Billie facing down in the water, dead. The oiler was the only named one in the story which was Billie. These four men showed so much determination in the experience they had because they just would not give up but keep trying every possible thing they could've had done. The oiler showed he was a strong man just trying to

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