
Stem Cell Research: History And Controversies

Decent Essays

Stem cell research has been a controversial issue in the past few years. Understanding what stem cell research is, its history and controversies, and its possibilities will help the reader make his or her own opinion about stem cell research.
There are three main ways that make it able to tell the difference between stem cells and other cells. One of the ways is that stem cells are unspecialized cells that can divide and renew themselves for extended periods of time, unlike muscle and blood cells, which do not replicate themselves. Stem cells also do not have tissue- specific structures, and it is the second main way how stem cells are different than other cells. The third main way that stem cells are different than other cells is that they …show more content…

In 1974, Congress banned research that used undeveloped human tissue ("Stem Cell Controversies"). Researchers discovered ways to obtain embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos in 1981 ("Stem Cell Basics"). In 1985, President Clinton banned research that involved creating or destroying human embryos ("Stem Cell Controversies"). Researchers discovered a method which was used to obtain stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory in 1998 ("Stem Cell Basics"). During that same year, James A. Thomson announced the technique of isolating the embryonic cells from blastocysts, which can become a treatment got diseases and injuries. The announcement was what started the huge controversies about stem cell research. In 2001, President Bush banned federal funding for research with human embryonic cells ("Stem Cell Controversies"). The discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells was made in 2006. Induced pluripotent stem cells are adult cells that have a specific purpose, but can be reprogrammed to obtain the characteristics of a stem cell ("Stem Cell Basics"). In 2009, President Obama got rid of Bush's limitations on stem cell research because of the many possibilities that stem cell research could offer. Many religious people believe they blastocysts are actual people, which is why stem cell research is such a controversial topic ("Stem Cell Controversies"). Even …show more content…

Since stem cells from embryos can can make copies of itself and any kind of tissue, their importance is magnificent. The reason why stem cell research is such a big deal, is that stem cells may have the possibility to repair any body tissue and treat diabetes and heart disease ("Stem Cell Controversies"). "In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is alive" ("Stem Cell Basics"). There is also a possibility to make spare organs and body parts. Stem cells can produce human tissue got diseases that involve the breaking down of human cells, such as cancer ("Stem Cell Research"). Even though there are many controversies about stem cell research, there are also many benefits. Knowing about stem cell research can help people from their own opinions about stem cell

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