
Stem Cell Research Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Cancer can be one of the most feared words that one could hear from their doctor. It can turn someone’s world upside down. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and has taken many lives. Around 7.6 million people die each year from cancer related causes and effects. What if there was a way to prevent these deaths? Well scientist might have found a way to treat cancer by using stem cell research. Stem cell research could open up an entire new realm of possibilities. Despite the opposition saying that this research is to costly and time consuming, scientists should take time and look into what stem cell research can really do to help the human body and prevent diseases. Stem cell research is a type of research dealing with special type of cell. Stem cells are type of cell that is …show more content…

Although some people have an issue with Stem cell research this could be a field of research that could lead to discovery of the cures of many diseases such as cancer. There are many reasons on which stem cell research should be continued to help possibly cure many diseases. Stem cells are a type of cell unlike most other cells. These cells differ from most cell in two ways. Stem cells are known as unspecialized cells capable of renewing themselves through cell division. Secondly, under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be introduced to become tissue and or organ-specific cells with special functions. Stem cells are known to be a replacement for cells that have gone through normal wear and tear such as injuries or diseases. With this type of cell being able to replace other cells when old cells are destroyed or ruined. With their unique ability to regenerate they can be used to treat certain diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. This could also be used to treat certain types of

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