
Stella's Place Case Study

Decent Essays

Stella’s Place is a mental health organization geared towards youth aged 16-29 years who are facing mental health illnesses. The target is to help youths, through a support system, who want to learn how to cope with their illnesses in the most effective way. This way, they can manage their own health and they can continue living their life fulfillingly. Young adults are the vast majority of the team as they are peer supporters. Others professionals include doctors and counsellors. Their organization offers services that include peer supporters, clinical, employment, wellness, and recovery.
Various activities are available, including yoga and creative arts, and programming changes often to keep everything exciting and new. Drop-in services …show more content…

Contact information
Address: 18 Camden Street, Toronto ON M5V 1V1
Hours: Peer Support drop-in Monday to Thursday, 1pm-5pm, contact Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
Phone number: 416-461-2345
Email: Rationale
To have the most beneficial outcomes from the services offered here, the individual must already acknowledge that they have mental illness and have accepted it to move forward with their life. It’s an amazing place to learn to manage your mental illness in the best way possible so that you can be healthy and happy. Peer supports are always available because people might be ashamed or scared or feel isolated if they feel like they’re the only one with a mental illness. Hence, seeing others who are also struggling or have struggled but working to cope with their illnesses will show that you are not alone; that there is hope and motivation amongst the support group
They also provide online services. Many people struggle with socializing, thus it is more comfortable interacting with people and supports and expressing feelings online. Online is more immediate as well and can help people who cannot reach the place due to time/family/money and any other factors. Although it is not established yet, the online community will commence very soon.
Stella’s place implements physical exercise and health into their programs, and we all know that there is a significant correlation between mental health and

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