
Std In African Americans

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Throughout the 21st century period, the epidemic of STD’s has risen among African American in the millions some even have incurable diseases. STD’s can be pass from one to another by mouth sexual intercourse and needles anything in contact with body fluid symptoms of STD’s can go undetected which increased risk of health concerns. With others not knowing conditions can arise in an infected person that doesn’t know their status like infertility and chronic illness. Because so many are uneducated about the any STD’s a stigma always accompanying it which people tend to throw it under the rug instead of disgusting and learn more to better equip themselves. African American males lack knowledge about STD’s and prevention with the usage of a condom. …show more content…

Women bear the greatest burden of STDs, suffering more serious health complications than men do. In addition, existing infrastructure for the provision of family planning and prenatal care may permit efficient integration of STD screening for women. Although interventions with women have played significant role in the decline of STDs within the United States and continued efforts need to be direct3ed at sustaining these behavioral changes, studies designed to better understand heterosexual men attitudes and practices regarding STD prevention and particularly warranted. This lack emphasis on heterosexual men, the “forgotten group” is troublesome given their obvious contribution to continuing STD transmission. Research has shown that a man infected with the pathogens causing gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B, and cancroid can readily infect a woman through a single sexual encounter (Grimley 2004). Men unknowing effect women with greater compilation so with the helpful prevention and the use of condom the rates could drop significantly and better the chance of a healthier community and public …show more content…

Significant mean differences were found for condom use with a main partner, F (8, 242) = 9.32, P=.0001, but not with other partners (P=.08). A follow-up ANOVA with the advantages and the disadvantages of condom use with a main partner detected significant differences for the mean pros score across motivational readiness, F (4, 122)= 14.86, P=.0001. Results from a follow-up Tukey test indicated that mean scores for advantages were significantly lower for respondents who reported no intention to start using condoms as compared with individuals with higher levels of motivational readiness. No significant differences were detected for the disadvantages across motivational readiness for condom use with main partners (P=.30) (Grimley

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