
Statue Of Liberty: New York's Greatest Gift To America

Decent Essays

New York is rich in history. New York’s history starts with 5 independent states joining together to make Greater New York. Over a span of three years Greater New York grew to 360 square miles filled with 3,350,000 people. One of the biggest attacks on US soil would happen In New York when two hijacked planes would crash into the twin towers of the world trade center. “Thanks to the city’s diversity and vibrant intellectual life it remains the cultural capital of the United states.” “New York City ”New York’s history is everywhere you look.

One of the greatest gifts given to america was The Statue of Liberty. In 1884 the American Committee of The Statue of Liberty ran out of money to build a pedestal. Joseph pulitzer put out an ad in his newspaper, The New York World, saying “The $250,000 that the making of the Statue cost was paid in by the masses of the French people- by the working men, the tradesmen, the shop girls, the artisans- by all, irrespective of class or condition. Let us respond in like manner. Let us not wait for the millionaires to give us this money. It is not a gift from the millionaires of France to the millionaires of America, but a gift of the whole people of France to the whole people of America.” “”Anyone who donated any amount would get their name in the paper many people donated less than a dollar but they still managed to raise 100,000 dollars. …show more content…

Between 1855 and 1890 Ellis island welcomed close to 8 million immigrants. Early in the morning on June 15,1897 the original Ellis island building burned down. On December 15,1900 The new Ellis island building was opened to welcome more

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