
Statment of Intents for MS Program in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

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Statement of Intent a part of the application for MS program in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering "He had a suspicion of plausible answers; they were so often wrong." – Arthur C. Clarke, Rendezvous with Rama. I believe that the above words of sci-fi writer Arthur Clarke have multiple connotations – to life, human nature or science. Or even computational studies. Higher ideologies aside, I am certain that I had always possessed a predilection towards fields that involved a scientific mindset – fields that required great humility along with the obvious and much needed eagerness to learn. If mere fascination for all things that flew wasn’t enough, the child in me always dreamt of doing a space-walk someday. Like for any …show more content…

I had great interest in the subject Heat and Mass Transfer as well, which was compulsory. 4th semester had also given me the choice of taking up the elective subject “Introduction to Aircraft Industry and Aircraft Systems” which I readily took up. With the help of a great and experienced faculty, that subject provided me a brilliant know-how of the happenings in the aviation industry and also provided me a grasp of the basics of flight along with the control systems that aid. During the summer that followed the end of third year, I was selected as a trainee in one of the best labs in the country – The Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL) at the Defence Research and Development Labs, Hyderabad. This was the programme that had changed my mindset for the better and gave the required direction. Apart from witnessing at a yard’s length the manufacture and fabrication of parts that made the Agni missile, I learnt, what was then, a very surprising thing to me- the right computational methods and simulation meant everything for the success of this nationwide defense project. This is where I grew to finally understand that mere fascination is not enough. Rather than fascinate me, I must say that my time as a trainee there had humbled me. Computational methods, for the lack of perfect analytical solutions, were the key to designing any engineering product, for which safety and cost effectiveness are critically important. I

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