
Statement Of Purpose: Tulane

Decent Essays

One of the most asked questions teens get throughout their lives as highschool-ers is the cliché and ever-so-cringe-worthy “What universities are you looking at?”
When I started my college search, I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go, but I knew exactly what I didn’t want to look for.
I did not want to look through thirty-six-hundred colleges laid out one-by-one picking out a “perfect match” that internet search engines seemed to think they could find for me through the Plexiglas of my computer screen.
I wanted to find the right fit, but I didn’t want to limit myself by clicking on a price range, distance, or public-schools-only box.
Honestly, I had not heard much of Tulane before my junior year of high school. However, as I began my college …show more content…

I was anxious as to whether either would be a good fit for me, but my visit assured me the opposite.
The opportunities that Tulane and New Orleans have to offer are seemingly endless.
As a biology major focusing on pre-medicine, opportunities like getting to save lives as a part of TEMS, participating in the Tulane Pre-Medicine Society, and working as a lifeguard or swim instructor at the Reily Recreation Center are just the beginning on why Tulane is so extraordinary compared to any other school.
Another thing that stand out about Tulane is the people who make up the school. Bright students mixed with faculty who will literally run through the city while lecturing about New Orleans architecture make for a fun and unforgettable education experience. Lunch with academic advisors and coffee and doughnuts at the Dean’s house on Friday mornings give Tulane that small-school feel, while grand events like Crawfest, MardiGras, and even Friday’s at the Quad provide the social scene of a large state …show more content…

For me, that means I can major in biology, while pursuing other interests like marine biology, anthropology, and business while still taking Spanish or Neuroscience classes. It also means I can receive lab experience like no other undergraduate student in the country when taking classes like Anatomy, with a cadaver lab. Tulane’s flexible study abroad availabilities also provide students enjoyable college (and life) experience, giving you the most control over where you want to go, what you want to study, and for how long. Although I’m not sure where I want to go, what I want to study, and for how long, I love the options Tulane provides its’ students with.
Between classes, you could probably find me visiting the Newcomb Art Museum as new exhibits come and go, while frequenting City Place during my late night study sessions. 100% of my “freshman fifteen” are coming from those pancake-pizzas, and the many options between the Bruff, Luff, and three PJ’s on campus. You might also find me stumbling upon solace in the Tulane Law School Library during finals week, as I hear it’s quiet, roomy, and has a great view of the place on campus where 22 Jump Street was

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