
Statement Of Intent: Observing The Rough Patch In My Life

Decent Essays

Statement of Intent Like a patchwork quilt, there is no way to undo the rough patches in my life. And like a quilt, I am made of different patches, beautiful and ugly, interwoven to shape me into who I am today, and who I have the ability to become. Life can definitely test you, and I learned this as a young adult. My father lost our family business and my mother was working tirelessly to keep our family afloat. After my father lost the business, my mother began taking classes to become an insurance agent to help keep our family above water. I hoped that this would be the worst of our hardships, yet life tested us once again. We were in the midst of losing our home, when my mom fell into a deep depression. Overnight, I had to learn how …show more content…

To strengthen the stitches of my patches, it was important for me to seek mentors with distinguished quilts of their own. Observing a cosmetic dentist only strengthened my desire for dentistry. She used her artistry to alleviate her patients’ insecurities. She used her craftsmanship to reduce her patient's’ discomfort, and she used her knowledge of science to achieve the precise alignment of her patients’ teeth. Observing the interwoven skills of her quilt further solidified my passion to pursue dentistry. To continue my running stitch I shadowed three dentists, who used their compassion to comfort and care for their patients. They constantly educated their patients about the importance of good oral health and the consequences of poor oral hygiene. During this time, I became passionate about educating people on oral hygiene for a better future. My experience observing different dental specialties illuminated the different qualities that I possess in my quilt to make me a strong and extraordinary …show more content…

This opportunity excited me for what my future would look like. Each student that I encountered gave me the strength and courage to continue on this exciting journey of becoming a dentist. As a Post-Baccalaureate dental student attending your program, my life experiences, internship experience and undergraduate studies have prepared me to take on graduate level courses. After extensively reviewing the program and meeting with the knowledgeable staff at UCLA, I have learned that the dental post-baccalaureate program is a perfect fit for me. This has always been a dream for me. I would remain humble and grateful through my journey of becoming a dentist. I once struggled to balance a full course load while supporting my family and taking care of my youngest sibling, that I am now given the opportunity to focus on my own

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