
Stanley Milgram's 'Morality In The Film The Island'

Decent Essays

The purpose of the Milgram experiment was to find out what was wrong with the Germans that would allow them to follow authority figure no matter what their intentions were. Stanley Milgram realizes that more than fifty percent of the volunteers will blindly follow. In the beginning of the movie The Island, the protagonist Lincoln’s moral imperative is to obey his superior, Merrick, and do his job. He soon detects that he is being used for “spare parts”, and he escapes Biotech to show the world what is happening. Based upon his realization and rebellion in the movie The Island, Lincoln 6 Echo (Lincoln) would perform his job without question at the beginning of the movie, but will soon develop a moral imperative that will allow him to defy authority and do what is right.
The Milgram experiment is a social experiment created to test why the Germans were so pernicious during World War II. Stanley Milgram ascertains that more than fifty percent of normal people will conform to higher authority. Stanley Milgram said, “I found so much obedience, I hardly saw the need for taking my experiment to Germany” (Milgram, The Perils). Milgram made this experiment to test the Germans, but he found out that human nature let's humans follow authoritarian orders without question. “The learner, seated in a separate room …show more content…

Lincoln 6 Echo is a clone in a facility called Biotech being used for body parts. This is much like the Milgram experiment because some people rebelled from authority and did what was morally right. Lincoln escapes from the facility because he learns of Merrick’s intentions for the clones. This helps people know today that people naturally conform, and that we need to know how much power is morally

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