
Stanley Milgram Experiment Essay

Decent Essays

Purpose/Objectives of Study A Yale University psychologist named Stanley Milgram started a research experiment that investigated the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience (McLeod, 2007). This study was conducted in response to the Nuremburg Trials in Germany, as German officials had claimed they were just following orders that were given to them by their superiors. Milgram formulated the experiment so that it could answer the question: “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?" (Milgram, 1974). However, the objectives of this experiment were not achieved. The objectives were not achieved because the act of shocking a person cannot be compared to the genocide the Germans committed during WWII. Also, Milgram wanted to study whether the Germans were more obedient to authority figures, but he …show more content…

Proposals for research needing to be submitted and reviewed by institutional review boards before being conducted did not come into existence until the 1970s and 1980s, after the Milgram experiment had concluded. He does however follow the rules of informed consent, debriefing, and confidentiality. All participants filled out a form before participating and participants were debriefed after the experiment because they were able to meet the “learner” and confirm they had not harmed him during the experiment. Milgram also did survey his participants a year after to see if his experiment left any lasting effects. Lastly, before Milgram made his videos of his experiment available for public viewing, he contacted each participant to receive their approval of being in the video. Those who declined to allowing to be seen in the public release were blanked out of his videos, thus keeping their

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