
Standing Up To My Values During The Medieval And Arthurian Legends

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Refereeing to Medieval times, I relate to standing up to my values and being the person I want to be. During the Medieval and Arthurian Legends time, they had a certain personal code of chivalry. They always obeyed this rules because it was what their life counted on. When you're young, your parents set up morals and values they want you to follow. They are supposed to set up a good example for you. That's a parent’s responsibility for their child. At a young age, you don't get to decide if you want to follow those values and believe in them. During the Medieval times, that's basically the same things for servants and knights. You have low class, middle class and high class. All those classes have different values they believe in but they all have something to do with the code of chivalry. …show more content…

Some of those values are being respectful to your elders, saying thank you, opening the door for other people and having manners. During the time of me growing up, I thought the code of conduct my parents taught me was always right. As I started to grow older, surrounded by the entertainment industry and the internet. What you see and want to follow can change. My parents may have the value that you respect your elders, but I believe you should respect elders to an extent. I don’t agree with parents being able to disrespect you, call you names and act like it’s okay. You as the child aren’t allowed to say anything back and basically have to stand there letting your parents yell and bully you. I don’t find that fair at all. I have the value of respect people who respect you and always stand up for

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