
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Ethical Issues

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The multi-billion dollar Dakota Access oil pipeline stretched across four states is standing in the way of one big thing- a clean and healthy environment for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. This is a fight that they have been battling since April, and tensions are on the rise. The pushes and violations that the government has had against Indian tribes since the dawn of this country is one of the main reasons for the violent protests against the pipeline. The U.S. government has consistently pursued and exploited indigenous peoples and their land and forced them to hand it over. The Standing Rock tribe has not given up yet, though, as they continue to protest and stand in solidarity at the site of the pipeline construction. (Martin) The pipeline would make it possible to transport oil from North Dakota to markets and refineries in a quicker and more affordable way. It is supposed to lessen our foreign independence on oil and create thousands of jobs. That being so, what is the problem? More than anything, it has become an ethical issue. Native Americans have had their lands stolen and rights denied for centuries. The Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation relies on the …show more content…

Laws have been made to ensure that the Army Corps consult Indian tribes and make sure that they and their sacred grounds will not be in direct effect or harm of any construction projects. The Standing Rock Sioux have made it clear that they were not notified before construction of the Dakota Access pipeline began. It has been taken to court and is still being discussed whether or not consultation before construction took place as the Corps said it did. The court will likely favor the side of the Corps. The tribe continues to stand in solidarity and challenge the corps and the legality of the line.

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