City of Glendale Water Services Employee Standby Policy Purpose The standby program ensures that the after-hours needs of the City are met in a reliable and timely way. The following sections participate in the standby program: • Water Distribution • Meter Maintenance • Wastewater Collection • Storm Water Maintenance • Public Service Representatives • Water Treatment • Wastewater Treatment • Central System Maintenance All Water Services staff working in any of these sections will be required to participate in the standby program. Supervisors may be placed on the rotation schedule. Procedures and Scheduling To participate in the standby program, eligible employees are required to have the appropriate skills, knowledge, …show more content…
If a participating employee requires leave during an assigned stand-by duty period, he or she shall provide a replacement and notify the appropriate personnel, including the supervisor and Central Systems Control Room, forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled stand-by assignment. Employees wishing to trade or switch stand-by schedules should consult with their supervisors or applicable Department policies or procedures. Supervisory staff for each division will maintain a rotating schedule of standby participants. The schedule will be issued in December and will cover a twelve-month period beginning in January of the following year. Administrative staff will issue a weekly on-call schedule which will reflect any changes in the rotation schedule and will have the name and telephone number of all standby personnel scheduled. If a participant leaves the City, their position on the rotation will be filled by seeking a volunteer. If no volunteer is found, the vacancy will be filled by assigning it to another participant in the same section on a rotating basis. New employees who started during the year will be eligible to volunteer for relief coverage once their supervisor feels they are ready. They may be assigned to cover vacancies as mentioned above and will enter the rotation in the next year’s schedule. Every effort will be made to make sure the same person does not work the same major …show more content…
Under no reasonable circumstances can an employee on standby refuse to respond. Failure to respond can result in disciplinary action in accordance to HR policy and procedures. If the employee is sick and not able to participate, the supervisor will designate a replacement for that employee until the employee returns to full duty. The replacement employee will be paid the hourly on-call pay for their time on-call. The on-call pay will be split between the employee and the replacement employee based on the amount of time each participated in the standby program for the week Acknowledgement All the rules and regulations of the City and Department will apply while an employee is on standby. Each division supervisor should review all related processes and procedures with new and current employees to ensure they have a thorough understanding of them and their responsibilities while on stand-by, on-call, or when called out. Each employee who is designated to be on a rotational schedule for stand-by duty should sign the Employee Acknowledgement of standby, , and Call-Out Requirements one (1) time, and forward it for inclusion in the official Personnel
Based on the spreadsheet she showed me she has about 6 open slots. 5 of those are going to be for the Leaf line that's being moved from USP to UPA. That will be starting up around mid-September from what she said. She couldn't give me a real "wait time" because she loses a lot of employees either by their own accord, transfers, medical leave, etc. She needs a few "young and able bodied" operators.
Neser typically works Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. In addition to her normal work schedule, Neser is on stand-by four days a week. Being on stand-by means that if a situation arises after animal control is closed, usually between the hours of 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m., Neser may be called-in to work. Neser is credited two hours of regular pay for each stand-by period where she may be called-in. A stand-by period is a period between the employee’s regularly scheduled work shift, or for each 24 hour period between work shifts. Furthermore, in addition to the two hours of stand-by pay, the HCGPP provides that “[a PSSI] who is called in to work hours which are not contiguous to their regular shift shall receive a minimum of 4 hours pay at the overtime rate.” Neser’s subordinates have a similar provision in their collective bargaining agreement. The collective bargaining agreement has been interpreted to permit only one instance
Note: Their regular day off is from Sunday 0745 returning to work on 0700 Monday. The remainder of the week is no issue because we have 24 hour operations. Thanks
The Guia Progresiva establishes under violation #55 that not complying with instructions given by a supervisor; under violation #46 that excessive absences without prior authorization of the supervisor and under violation #48, to not communicate with a supervisor in regards to attendance within the first half hour of an employee’s shift is rationale for termination. We are recommending termination of employment for Lupita Diggins because:
John is advised when there is a change in the day, and the change in the schedule is documented for his future reference.
I will be on PTO next week Monday-Wednesday…My daughter is having a working interview with a dentist office in Macon Georgia where she will be living . We do have family there…she will be 45 minutes away from family in both North and South direction. I pray that everything works out for her. I will see you all on Thursday and don’t hesitate to call me if you need me. If you need something that I can’t handle by phone and you need a supervisor please reach out to Keri as she will be in the office until Wednesday of next week. Cynthia, I hope that you are feeling better and you will need to submit your PTO request for being out sick (Thursday and Friday of this week) to Keri. Keri will also need to sign off on the request and also submit
This leave assists those who have an illness or caregivers of an ill family member; such as a parent with cancer and is in hospice. This allows an employee the peace of mind that they will have their position when they come back to work so this does not have to add to the stress of an already stressful situation.
U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) members, as Federal employees are entitled to both annual and sick leave, beginning the first day of their first federal job. Leave can fall under many different categories, the most common being annual leave and sick leave. At the end of each leave year, they are allowed to carry 240 hours of annual leave over to the next leave year. Sick leave is not subject to carry-over limitations and continues to accrue from year to year. The administration of the payroll function is performed by unit timekeepers, supervisors, local payroll, the Austin Information Technology Center (AITC), the Financial Services Center (FSC), and payroll provider.
All members attending the meeting must be prepared for extra shifts and must be o call on the day of surgery.
PTO time will allow employees more flexibility when it comes to vacation time, emergencies, and even schedules events that require the individual to miss work. These twelve days will help the employee’s better plan his/ her vacation and other scheduled commitments and drastically reduce the number of unscheduled days off since all the days in one category instead of only allowing five sick days and seven vacation days. However, there will still be some days that the employees cannot request off in advance, but this policy would allow the employee a certain time period to tell the employer they cannot make it to work on a given day. By offering this type of time off structure, it will help the employer more time to plan and prepare for the staff shortage in a more efficient manner. Also, paid time off helps the employer and employee not have to differentiate what is acceptable and applicable to a holiday and sick day and it will help motivate the employees to not use a sick day unless he/ she is actually sick (Hulett, 2007). Therefore, if an employee is rarely sick, then that employee will have more vacation time to use
of this type of leave or the employer can get in trouble. If this type of leave is taken it
Prime Corporate Payroll just informed me that Melanie Escobar #7696 is continuously getting $5.00 Standby Pay up to this time. Her position as a Scheduler is not eligible for Standby Pay and her
These could include duty driver or CQ duty. A Soldier duties assisting at the hospital, such as Manpower, must not conflict with the dates of scheduled leave. All these areas must clear you to proceed with planned leave and sign the Request Worksheet in the appropriate block. It is the Soldier’s personal responsibility to have these areas clear, up to date and not conflict in anyway with request leave. First and foremost is the soldier duties and responsibility. And the Soldier is responsible for fulfilling the requirement asked of him/her before taking time away from work.
Take a look at Sunday August 07 we only have three officer on duty, we may need to approve emergent OT to cover morning operation. Monday August 08, through Friday August 12 and Monday August 15 through August 19, I will be able to work morning shift 0330-1200 or 0430-1300. Kevin Magdycz is willing to work 0330-1200 on August 13, 2016, We will have cover on PM shift those two weeks according with the BDOs weekly schedule. Let me know what days you want me to work 0330-1230 or 0430-1300.
The setting up committee members will hold meetings at 9:30am on Mondays and Thursdays to organize and review the tasks that have to be accomplished that week. Mondays will be planning the weeks work and Thursday will be review of the week’s progress. A work weekly progress report will be provided to the administration every Friday morning summarizing finished tasks, pending work and problems encountered. The following schedule will be implemented strictly as coordination and planning will ensure minimum wastage of time and success in the long run.