
Standardized Testing: Do We Make A Difference?

Decent Essays

The purpose of education has shifted from learning & gaining knowledge to see how well students can show patience, obedience, and willingness to work, so that colleges can pick out people that are going to work hard (Brabeck).We memorize, study for the test and forget it and repeat the cycle all over again. That’s why when young children ask adults or parents for help with their homework, they struggle to help because they can’t remember it. Also if the purpose of school was to learn, than why do they make us do standardized testing ? Standardized testing is not used in any way to see how much we’ve learned, but rather how much we can memorize/remember. Which is creating a conformity within our learning, and destroying creativity (Brabeck). …show more content…

Who are we ? Where are we ? Where do come from ? Where are going ? How can I make a difference ? .. Most of us, cannot answer all those questions, but it’s the curiosity that makes you want find out. We are born curious. At babies we began exploring our environment like scientists, and as we grew to toddlers, we would constantly question ‘why?’, to everything presented towards us (KGaA). Yet, by the time we have reached high school, most of us have lost our sense of curiosity and no longer question the world around us. That we no longer feel comfortable asking questions in class even, forgetting that we started off curious, letting our inner scientist fade away. Since today’s techniques are taking the beauty out of learning and demolishing creativity (KGaA). Students have lost their sense of curiosity simply because our teaching methods don’t stimulate innovation and creativity. So you learn in school to stop questioning the world, to go with the flow, and that there’s only one right answer to each question. Diminishing this nature of curiosity from our students mind is a serious problem. Since without curiosity, there wouldn’t be creativity that creates innovation that makes one see things in new ways, breaking barriers that stood in front of you, and create inventions (KGaA). And this essence cannot be a skill that can be learned, or a test to take, or a program to be developed. Plus today, the need for curious people has heightened, since we are at a critical time in our age that we have several global issues that need to be solved and medicines that need to be found (KGaA). To make a better world, our community needs curious people to ask questions, seek answers and find solutions. As such, we need to create an environment that allows children to continue to ask questions, and nurture that curiosity, since its a pathway to growth and

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