
Standardized Testing And Student Performance Analysis

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In life today society is surrounded by numbers, in particular schools districts depends on data from tests to evaluate how they perform in comparison to other districts. Students who attend public or private schools are subjected to take certain standardized tests to measure their academic achievements throughout their school life. Studies show, that these test do not always help student’s academic growth, in fact some researchers show that standardized test may hurt students in the long run. Due to the fact that retention is a possibility for students who perform low on standardized test, these students may develop test anxiety and disengagement from their academic career. An example in 2015 is that, the overall performance of student failing …show more content…

For example, I will illustrate with my personal experience with the STARR and EOC to further explain the impact on a student’s academic life. I was administered the English 1 test 8 times during my freshman, sophomore and junior year, while I had already mastered English 2 test. Per this information, a red flag is brought up, how a student could pass a sophomore test, EOC English 2, but not past the freshman level test? If the purpose of standardized test is to show academic growth, how was I not able to move on from EOC English 1since I mastered concepts from EOC English 2? One way to address this problem is by making “standardized test [to] be one part of a comprehensive assessments system” (How Standardized Testing Damages Education (Updated July 2012) 1). By using this method we could minimize and maybe even eliminate consequences of the STARR and EOC tests. By an organization called Fair Test, “Students with disabilities, are more likely to be denied diplomas, retained in grade, [and be] placed in a lower track” due to poor performance on standardize’ testing. Since these tests are one of the most important indicators of school performances, students and teachers feel the pressure to do well on them, and they become stigmatized if they fail the most important indicator of success to the Texas Education Agency (How Standardized Testing Damages Education (Updated July 2012) 1). Although STAAR and EOC test were created to measure students’ academic growth, the emotional impact of failing these tests can be devastating to students. Especially because these standardized tests do not always provide the needed support that all students require to display their full knowledge of Texas

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