
Standardized Patient Handoff

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In this article, the authors investigated the vulnerabilities in emergency department to internal medicine patient transfers through self-administered surveys of all emergency medicine house staff. More specifically, the survey investigated adverse events due to faulty communications during handoffs. According to this survey, 29% of the emergency staff reported either an adverse or near-miss event due to errors during handoffs. Furthermore, the survey respondents identified inaccurate or incomplete information, cultural and professional conflict, crowding, and many other factors as the contributors to handoff errors. By identifying specific contributors to handoff errors, this article serves as guidance for handoff intervention.

The authors …show more content…

More specifically, the standardized handoff procedure, SOUND, was developed and implemented in this study. This procedure includes five elements, which are Synthesis, Objective Data, Upcoming Tasks, Nursing Input, and Double Check. The quality of pediatric handoffs was evaluated before and after this intervention. Statistically significant improvement of successful handoff percentage was observed post-intervention. This study demonstrates that standardized patient handoff procedure is feasible in pediatric emergency department setting. However, this study was only able to test the completeness of handoff, but unable to relate the effectiveness of the handoffs to clinical outcomes of …show more content…

The electronic handoff tool used in this study, eSignout, features automated communication and responsibility transfer with no mandatory verbal communication. The quality of communication and incidence of adverse or near-miss events were evaluated before and after the intervention. The results indicated similar quality of communication and adverse or near-miss events before and after intervention. However, it was reported that the intervention improved the quality of verbal communication when it occurred. In addition, participants perceived the eSignout as more efficient and preferred eSignout over verbal handoffs. An earlier study done by Li et al. cited below showed limited improvement of handoff quality when computerized physician handoff tools were used. Therefore, future studies are needed to explore the potential benefit of replacing face to face handoffs with other forms of handoffs, such as electronic or tele-communicative handoffs.

The authors of this article evaluated six studies on computerized physician handoff tools. The impact of each computerized tool on handoff quality, patient care, and physician work efficiency was evaluated. Similar to the later study by Gonzalo et al. cited above, while the study showed limited improvement for handoff quality and patient care when computerized handoff tools were used, it was reported that

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