
Standardized Patient Case Summary

Decent Essays

Standardized Patient Scenario: Pregnant Woman With an Undiagnosed Heart Condition ~Elizabeth Crotteau & Patrick Disterhaft~ Actress Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide a thorough history of her character so she is ready to portray a patient with atrial septal defect. This document will prepare the actress for any questions that the medical student asks her (history of symptoms, family history, social habits, etc). Since our patient is supposed to be extroverted and talkative, we include a lot of “extra” information about her life. Medical Student Purpose: The purpose is to get him/her to look at all the symptoms and consider them outside of the pregnancy of our standardized patient since many of the symptoms of atrial septal defect are common conditions that occur during pregnancy, like swelling, shortness of breath, and fatigue. The end goal is for the medical student to order an echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, or MRI, interpret the results, and give the correct diagnosis/refer patient to a cardiologist. Note: In the real scenario, the medical student would be handed test results and he/she would need to interpret them. Since there are 4 possible tests, we did not include …show more content…

This causes some oxygenated blood from the left atrium to spill into the right atrium instead of being pumped through the body. This causes fatigue and shortness of breath because there’s not enough oxygenated blood getting to your body. Atrial septal defect also causes excessive swelling in your legs and feet. You should describe your symptoms to the doctor as “I wasn’t able to catch my breath after moving some heavy boxes up a flight of stairs.” The swelling has gone down since you got to the doctor office but you took a picture of your feet because “My feet and ankles were huge. They’ve never been that big.” (Please bring page 6 into the exam room to show the medical

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