
Standardized English

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There are discrepancies within the educational curriculum that are not culturally diverse when trying to close the achievement gap. This means through analyzing the evidence from 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, there may need to be a revision. When seeking detailed and comprehensive outcomes, Hess, Stover, Liston, Whitcomb, and Boroko (2007) highlighted the questionings or argument of, what would happen if we take our eyes off the goal(s)? The key aspect that speaks volume in gauging with students is understanding the student population, Ware (2016) identified how practices were incorporating elements of the students’ culture in their teaching, adapting instruction to meet the students’ learning style, and having high standards and expectations (p. 20). While standardized English has a different effect on the various background, the method in instruction is imperative to comprehension. According to Silva and Cain (2015) language skills develop early, we have noted that word reading is the critical limiter of reading comprehension in the early stages of reading development.

Standardized English has an effect …show more content…

The need to concentrate on what the students bring to the table and meeting students at their learning modalities is key. Based upon Cheesman and De Pry (2010) to improve phonological awareness and decoding skills of culturally diverse high school students, a suggestion that teachers to use hip-hop music to increase students’ awareness of rhyme and alliteration. Noble instruction deals with thinking out of the box when understanding the student population. Ware (2016) also bring to light how culturally responsive African American teachers teach with authority, discipline and how practices incorporate elements of the students’ culture in their teaching, adapting instruction to meet the students’ learning style, and having high standards and expectations. The provided information provides insight on what is

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